Bravo to art collective Centrale 7 for organising and hosting a cracking day of exhibitions/concerts/artist stands (and much more) for their 10th Anniversary celebration this passed saturday. The event took place at the Centrale 7 studio grounds situated around the old iron mine in Nyoiseau, West France. ‘Sous-sol’ (beneath the ground) was taken as the theme for the event, with much of the Centrale 7’s art being inspired by the surrounding mine and it’s history. I, along with others local artists, makers and sellers, was kindly invited to participate and flaunt my Underground Merry-go-round wears. I think it’s safe to say that a great day was had by all those involved and who passed through the gates. I thoroughly enjoyed manning my first stand on Gallic grounds.

There were far to many wonderful sounds, sights and tastes to capture, but here are a few photos I managed to bring home from the day:
